Common Questions, Introduction and Information of Obesity

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Introduction and Information of Obesity

Obesity is a disease that affects 34 percent of adults age 20 and over in India.. Currently, almost 1 in 5 men and over 1 in 6 women are overweight. In some urban areas, the rates are as high as 40%. India is now in the grip of an obesity epidemic and the trend needs to be immediately arrested by taxing junk food, restricting food ads and making food labelling clearer, according to a study. New study released by the Registrar General of India indicates that obesity-related diseases have joined malnutrition as leading causes of death. If maintained, even weight losses as small as 10 percent of body weight can improve your health. Knowing the various reasons that people become obese can help you understand your own struggle more clearly.

What is Obesity?

Obesity is a metabolic disorder mainly due to over consumption or under utilisation of caloric substrate.

Who has declared obesity as the largest global chronic health problem.?

Excessive fat storage, Improper Diet, Environment, lack of physical activity, genetics, hypothyroidism etc.

What causes Obesity?

Being overweight is reversible condition that can be treated my medical management whereas morbid obesity requires surgical intervention.

The body mechanisms that control a person’s weight are set in such a manner in morbidly obese patients that they gain weight easily. These patients find it difficult to loose weight and even more difficult to sustain it.

How to know you are Obese?

Eye Ball Test
Ideal Weight = Height (Cms) – 100 in Male or 105 in Female,
Body Mass Index (BMI > 35) = Weight (Kgs) / {Height (Mtrs)}2,
Waist Circumference,
Calculation of Waist to hip ratio,
Normal Percentage Body Fat (Female – 18 to 22 & Male – 21 to 25).

Why should obesity be treated?

Obesity is a disease like any other disease.

It has become very important to recognise this disease as a cause of severe mental and physical problems which show significant improvement following weight loss. It is very important for the patients to understand Obesity as a disease with it’s complications and their inability to control them.

What is Bariatric Surgery?

Bariatric surgery is a treatment option for patients with morbid obesity.

Types of Bariatric Surgery:
The choice of procedure should be made after a thorough discussion with your surgeon.
Factors Deciding type of Obesity Surgery: BMI, Age, Comorbid Conditions, Eating Habits, Cost, Patient Preference, Surgeon Preference

What are the advantages of Laparoscopic Obesity Surgery?

Advantages of laparoscopic approach include: Less post operative pain, Shorter hospital stay, Early return to work, Improved cosmesis.

Their is significant improvement in other Obesity related CO-Morbidities like Depression, Reflux Disease, Diabetes, Hyper Tension, Sleep Apnoea etc.

Is morbid obesity surgery for you?

You will qualify for surgery for morbid obesity if:

How does this surgery change your life?

Lifestyle change depends on the kind of surgery a patient has.

Some common lifestyle adjustmants required are:Care of morbidly obese requires a comprehensive set-up. The management team consist of Surgeon, Dietician, Endocrinologist, Physician, Cardiologist, Physiotherapist and Psychologist.

How is Obesity Treated?

The method of treatment depends on your level of obesity, overall health condition, and motivation to lose weight.

Treatment may include a combinationof diet, exercise, behaviour modification, and weight-loss surgeries.

Remember, weight control is a life-long effort.

Weight Loss Surgery not only helps to decrease a significant amount of excess body weight but also helps in the improvement/ resolution of the various obesity related diseases.

Removal of hunger hormone (Ghrelin ) plays a very major role. This hormone is secreted from the fundus of the stomach and hence removing the fundus of the stomach helps in a gradual and prolonged weight loss and is a very important step in most of the Bariatric Procedures.

Hence Bariatric surgery is the a guiding path from FAT TO FIT, if done by a well trained surgeon and just not any GI Surgeon